Dr. Yusuf Maraşlı

ADDRESS : Doktor muayenehanesi Adana

PHONE : In the Contact section below


Dr. Yusuf Maraşlı answers your questions. From this section, you can send any questions, opinions, suggestions about Never forget that the best thing to do for questions, problems or suggestions that you are curious about and want to find answers to is to consult an expert on this subject.

YUSUF E.  (25.05.2020 11:10:13)
Hocam merraba annem 4 sene önce hemorit ameliyatı oldu ozon yağını kullana bilirmi
ABDULLAH E.  (28.04.2020 01:59:17)
Selamünaleyküm hocam Televizyonda izledim sizi hemeroid ile alakalı sorum var sizinle görüşebilir miyim